Campaign for the Abolition of Terrier Work – About Us

Posted: July 23, 2016 at 4:12 am

The Campaign for the Abolition of Terrier Work(CATW) exposes the cruelty of digging out foxes and the injuries also inflicted on terriers. We are seeking legislation in the UK and Ireland outlawing the use of terriers to attack animals underground. Terrierwork is one of the cruellest so called 'sports' and should be illegal, just like dog fighting, fox hunting and badger baiting have become.

Trapped in darkness, being suffocated while attacked from the rear and dug out from above makes this activity one of the cruellest sports in the world as the pictures on our website clearly show! Terrier work is considered by the Countryside Alliance to be a "legitimate field sport in its own right."

Under pressure from the bloodsport industry the Government allowed terrier work to continue under exemptions for gamekeepers and other wildlife killers.

Every fox hunt have terriermen ready to dig out foxes out, whilst many terrier men are independent, and will travel hundreds of miles for "the crack" (cowardly pleasure) of setting their terriers on a fox.

Some of the photos and videos within our website graphically illustrate the horror of foxhunting and terriermen cause to foxes, badgers and terriers. These may cause distress.

See the original post here:

Campaign for the Abolition of Terrier Work - About Us

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