Age Action calls on TDs to back Bill abolishing mandatory retirement … –

Posted: February 23, 2017 at 1:09 pm

There are more 65-year-olds on Jobseeker's Benefit than at any other age, according to a leading charity.

Age Action says many people in forced retirement have no choice but to go on the dole for 12 months while waiting to receive their state pension at 66.

The group which represents older people, is calling on TDs to back a Bill which would abolish mandatory retirement clauses in a debate today.

Justin Moran from Age Action says many older people would rather continue working.

Mr Moran said: "What we have is a system where an employer can choose an age at which an employee can be forced to stop working, that's generally chosen as 65.

"It's a source of real fear to many of them, especially to people in their early 60s who are realising their retirement might not be as financially secure as expected.

"And particularly in the last couple of years with the abolition of the transition pension."

Mandatory retirement is being described as "age discrimination" by Age Action.

Mr Moran said: "This is about giving employees - who want to work, who can work and want to continue contributing, paying taxes and helping to grow the economy - it's about giving them the opportunity to keep working, if that's something that they want to do."


Age Action calls on TDs to back Bill abolishing mandatory retirement ... -

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