New Edgy and Provocative Young Adult Novel Arrives in Time for Christmas: An Alabama Story by Daniel Hammarberg

Posted: December 13, 2012 at 5:44 pm

An Alabama Story just might be the most politically incorrect fiction novel to date, a no-holds-barred exploration of the life of a non-conformist family of five living in Birmingham, Alabama.

Seattle, WA (PRWEB) December 13, 2012

An Alabama Story has been for sale on Amazon since December 5 and will soon be carried by select book retailers as well. The novel is available in print, priced at $14.99, as well as in Kindle format, priced at $2.99. Swedish-born Daniel Hammarberg, who has written non-fiction books in the past, regularly covers news for online magazines and writes debate articles about political and social issues. But this last year he's taken a break from his usual work to instead write this groundbreaking fiction novel. Though at first it was nothing more than a passing mental image of a family living in a trailer, this image has over time blossomed into a vivid novel spanning some 130,000 words, with the author having done meticulous research into city life in the area in the process. The story is not one of conventional people living everyday lives, however. As the author introduces the book in the first chapter:

"What you'll read here is the story of Billy Bob and his family. His is not an ordinary family, the kind that gets up in the morning to go to work or school. The kind that pays their taxes and who lead respectable lives. No, no - his is the kind of people who do whatever the hell they want at whatever the hell the time they want. And if anyone has a problem with that, there just might be a 2x4 beating in store for him or her in the very near future."

This sets the tone for a novel that reeks with in-your-face attitude and content that's simply not possible to quote in a public press release. But to mention some of them, family anecdotes retold in the book include the following:

When interviewed about what audience he had in mind for the book, author Hammarberg had this to say: This is no dorky teenage-girl-dreams-of-vampires story a la Stephenie Meyer. Rather, this is black comedy that strikes at the heart of politically correct dogma, and any reader is sure to feel he's been taken on a roller coaster ride after having finished this one-of-a-kind book. Compared to the run-of-the-mill literature, this is like a compilation of UFC knockouts, holding nothing back and leaving no one disappointed.

Already, An Alabama Story has started finding its audience. The novel made me laugh pretty hard, one Sergeant Chris out of Texas commented after reading it. And an Oklahoma City resident who prefers to remain anonymous had this to say: Ok if someone makes fun of Sharpton and Jesse Jackson... But Rosa Parks?? I had never read something so shocking! Yet I kept on reading it until the end."

For more information about An Alabama Story, see the website, the introduction excerpt at Amazon, the Facebook group or follow the Twitter account.

Daniel Hammarberg

(+46) 762-730970 Email Information

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New Edgy and Provocative Young Adult Novel Arrives in Time for Christmas: An Alabama Story by Daniel Hammarberg

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