Islam Criticism: The Enemy – Islamophobia and the Istanbul Process with Sabatina James – Video

Posted: December 11, 2012 at 3:43 am

Islam Criticism: The Enemy - Islamophobia and the Istanbul Process with Sabatina James
This talk by the Pakistani-born convert from Islam to Catholicism, Sabatina James, appeared on the German portal, Politically Incorrect, on 20 August 2012 ( THE STRUCTURE OF THE TALK Sabatina James #39; talk, in its form, reveals a two-stage development in the response of the modern secular state, and most of the media, to criticism of Islam. The two stages are progressive in nature, the first leading to the second, and they have been well recognised in the emergence of totalitarian regimes of the twentieth century. Stage 1: The critic, in this case the Islam critic, "is mocked, defamed, vilified and is denied every public platform." Initially criticism of Islam is called "Islamophobia", a pseudo-psychiatric disorder [inventions characteristic of totalitarian regimes]. US Secretary of State Hilary Clinton has announced the arrival of this stage in remarks she made on July 15, 2011 at the #39;Organization of the Islamic Conference #39; (now #39;Organisation of Islamic Cooperation #39;) on July 15, 2011 when she promises to revive the techniques of the totalitarian state: ". . . to use some old-fashioned techniques of peer pressure and shaming so that people don #39;t feel that they have the support to do what we abhor", which for her audience, was to criticise Islam ( Stage 2: The "techniques of peer pressure and shaming" never being enough to silence critics, they now expand to the criminalisation of speech. In the case of Islam criticism, Sabatina James points to ...From:Rembrandt ClancyViews:4 0ratingsTime:05:30More inNews Politics

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Islam Criticism: The Enemy - Islamophobia and the Istanbul Process with Sabatina James - Video

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