Council rewrites freedom camping rules

Posted: March 16, 2012 at 7:39 pm


A proposed draft by-law on freedom camping in Marlborough will reverse existing legislation that prohibits freedom camping in the district except for designated areas.

The new by-law would allow freedom camping across Marlborough, except for designated areas.

The Marlborough District Council would also have the power to issue $200 spot fines under the proposed legislation.

Members of the council assets and services committee voted at their regular meeting yesterday to recommend to the full council that the proposed draft by-law be put out for public consultation.

Council reserves and amenities manager Rosie Bartlett said the new by-law was the opposite of the existing law. There would still be restrictions in place where freedom camping was allowed, she said.

Prohibited areas include the townships of Blenheim, Picton, Havelock, Seddon and Renwick, Queen Charlotte Dr, Kenepuru and French Pass roads and council reserves.

The public consultation process might highlight other areas where freedom camping should be banned, Ms Bartlett said.

"We are really keen to hear from the public to learn about other problem areas that we don't know about."

Freedom camping had increased in Marlborough, Ms Bartlett said.

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Council rewrites freedom camping rules

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