Young America’s Foundation releases web ad to promote NC, WI Freedom Conference [VIDEO]

Posted: March 8, 2012 at 7:06 am

The Young Americas FoundationFreedom Conference, usually held in Washington, D.C. or Santa Barbara, CA, is taking the fight to Raleigh, N.C. and Milwaukee, WI this year.

According to its website, the Foundation is committed to ensuring that increasing numbers of young Americans understand and are inspired by the ideas of individual freedom, a strong national defense, free enterprise, and traditional values.

Todrum up the conference, the foundation hasreleased a web ad targeting the Obama administrations failed efforts.

In 2008, Barack Obama made a promise, the ad begins. The president said he would fundamentally transform the United States of America, but his failed stimulus, corporate bailouts, and the government take over of health care left the country with huge debt and a 9% national unemployment rate.

The adpromises that at The Freedom Conference students can join in the fight for freedom. It concludes, You can make a difference.

YAF Program Officer Ronald Meyer, Jr. told the Daily Caller of the importance of the conferences to highlight thefailures of the Obama administrations policies.

Meyer said, In 2012, the Obama administration will take their policy gimmicks like Summer Jobs+ and their student loan program to dozens of colleges across the country, and the Conservative Movement must respond and win this battle.

Freedom is the alternative [of] the misery caused by big government, he continued, Young Americas Foundation will expose the disappointing corruption of the Obama administration and offer positive solutions to this style of job-killing governance.


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Young America’s Foundation releases web ad to promote NC, WI Freedom Conference [VIDEO]

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