Dr. Suzanna Gratia Hupp on The Second Amendment – Video

Posted: February 9, 2012 at 7:19 pm

30-01-2012 19:14 On October 16, 1991, George Hennard drove his 1987 Ford Ranger pickup truck through the front window of a Luby's Cafeteria at 1705 East Central Texas Expressway in Killeen, yelled "This is what Bell County has done to me!", then opened fire on the restaurant's patrons and staff with a Glock 17 pistol and later a Ruger P89. About 80 people were in the restaurant at the time. He stalked, shot, and killed 23 people and wounded another 20 before committing suicide. During the shooting, he approached Dr. Suzanna Gratia Hupp, a chiropractor, and her parents. Dr. Hupp had actually brought a handgun to the Luby's Cafeteria that day, but had left it in her vehicle due to the laws in force at the time, forbidding citizens from carrying firearms. Both of Dr. Hupp's parents were murdered that day.

Here is the original post:
Dr. Suzanna Gratia Hupp on The Second Amendment - Video

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