Human Genetics | University of Michigan, Ann Arbor

Posted: July 8, 2016 at 7:42 am

The Department of Human Genetics is dedicated to basic scientific research in human genetics and genetic disease, as well as the training of the next generation of scientists and health care providers.

Our faculty explore three broad areas of human genetics: molecular genetics, genetic disease, and statistical/population genetics. Within molecular genetics, research groups study DNA repair and recombination, genome instability, gene function and regulation, epigenetics, RNA modification and control, and genomic systems. Research in human genetic disease emphasizes the genetics of development, neurogenetics, stem cell biology, medical genetics, reproductive sciences, and the genetics of cancer. Evolutionary and population genetics research includes statistical tools for genetics, genetic epidemiology, and genetic mapping of complex traits and diseases.

We invite you to explore our faculty, students, graduate programs, courses, and events/seminars.

Wildschutte JH, Williams ZH, Montesion M, Subramanian RP, Kidd JM, Coffin JM. Discovery of unfixed endogenous retrovirus insertions in diverse human populations. Published online PNAS March 21, 2016

Iwase S, Brookes E, Agarwal S, Badeaux AI, Ito H, Vallianatos CN, Tomassy GS, Kasza T, Lin G, Thompson A, Gu L, Kwan KY, Chen C, Sartor MA, Egan B, Xu J, Shi Y. A mouse model of X-linked intellectual disability associated with impaired removal of histone methylation. Cell Rep. 2016 Feb 9;14(5):1000-9. [PubMed]

Lenk GM, Frei CM, Miller AC, Wallen RC, Mironova YA, Giger RJ, Meisler MH. Rescue of neurodegeneration in the Fig4 null mouse by a catalytically inactive FIG4 transgene. Hum Mol Genet. 2016 Jan 15;25(2):340-7. [PubMed]

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Human Genetics | University of Michigan, Ann Arbor

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