Immortality – The Atheist; scourge of religion and scammers

Posted: June 21, 2016 at 6:37 am

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While I love to take on all scams and blatant bullshit, I am The Atheist, and my prime target is the stupidity, delusion and bullshit that make up the world's religions.

In the year 2016, when science can attempt to create a mini "big bang" at CERN, can replace almost every organ in the human body with a high degree of success, and can cure cancers that were deadly only a generation ago, we live in times where rationality and reason should take precedence over everything else.

Alas, that is not so, and as time marches on, religion is strengthening its hold on more and more people.

Many atheists rejoice in censuses showing decline in the "religion" identifier question, but I believe that is false hope, as the number of people who attend church has risen dramatically over the past decade. 40 years ago, almost no people aged between 18 and 40 went to church, nowadays, they have overflowing carparks.

The impact of these increased numbers - and therefore money and power - is easy to see if you know where to look. From Family First to the Maxim Institute, religions have set up fronts as "family-focused" organisations as pressure groups, and because they're funded by morons giving 10% of their wedge every week, they ensure they're heard, with an array of fulltime workers and ring-in "experts".

Look at the thousands of people who have protested recently against homosexual & marital laws and non-smacking of children. "Spare the rod and you'll spoil the child" the bible tells the religionistas and they believe it. You can bet that every single protestor against anti-smacking laws was a theist of some description or other. (update August 2012 - note the current massive spending campaign by Family First against proposals to allow people of all genders to marry)

I will not stand by and watch these deluded wankers have it all their own way.

Some - especially agnostics - people cry about "evangelical" or militant atheism as though it were a bad thing.

I say that without the soldiers of atheism being in the faces of religion, they would seek to destroy more than they already have. USA is a prime example, where even 87 years after the Scopes monkey trial, religion is trying to take over school curricula and replace science with mythology.

Other reading on the subject includes this article from Huffington Post, the best part of which is not the idiotic, unreferenced and unresearched article itself, but the comments that follow it and give the true picture of atheism and religion in USA.

The idea that "new" atheism is unnecessary or overdone is just more romantic bullshit from the promoters and apologists for religion.

If you follow the kind of religion like the Anglican Church promotes, I have no beef with you. If you find that the delusion of god makes you happy, then I'm happy. It's only when you try to impose your will on others I get pissed off.

But if you're the kind of religionista who feels that the world must conform to your delusion of a sky-daddy, then the only thing which separates you from islamist extremist with AK47s is that you're living in the privileged western world. As Jesus Camp showed us, even allegedly christian religions have elements of extremism every bit as spiteful and abusive as the worst excesses of Wahabiism.

I cringe at people whose delusions are so powerful they would rather watch someone die in agony rather than allow to die with dignity.

You can bet your last buck that the same cruel theist who would deny euthanasia for a human will be off to the vet to euthanase a loved pet rather than watch it suffer a lingering, painful death.

Double standards. Love 'em.

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Immortality - The Atheist; scourge of religion and scammers

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