Success! – How to get Financial Independence and Help For Real

Posted: June 16, 2016 at 5:56 pm

Are you planning for early retirement? Heres all the financial help you will need.

Quick! Head to the ATM and withdraw a million.

Dreaming? You might think that it takes years to build a fortune. It takes hard work and patience. Thats what they all say about financial independence. Is that true? Forget what your teacher told you about retirement planning . In fact, forget what the ole stodgies say. Youre here because you want to make it big. Fast. You can be a money making machine. Thats the gist of this entire site. We want to you be a filthy social masterand billionaire. In fact we want you to buy out Bill Gates, Donald Trump and the tycoons at Veritoria Holdings . Can you handle that kind of action? Shall we begin? Lets start with a infographic by

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Be Inspired by Online Entrepreneurs

Traditional degrees do little to build financial independence. Take the quaint story of high school drop-outsPat StanleyandJason Langwho co-founded The Big Guns. This lean and mean IT companydeveloped the worlds This blog will catapult your knowledge of cell phones and cell phone apps into the stratosphere! The articles are written by an average guy possessing above average know-how and understanding of all those complicated issues that absolutely drive us bonkers! Conceptualized in a garage on an ancient core i3 desktop, the program now garners 100Million downloads- and millions of dollars in sales.On this site, you will mirror their success and build your own fortune.

Another incredibly inspiring story is that of Jay Lange. This crafty entrepreneur has taken his simple four-year degree from a SUNY school in upstate New York and turned it into quite a handsome business. Jay Lange started, Jay Lange Media Corp., from his garage and now owns and operates his own private blog network of over 30 blogs, which provides average people with the information and expertise necessary to navigate their way through the complicated world of cell phone mobile apps. His flagship blog, Cell Phone Tracking Reviews, is by far the best. I accidentally stumbled across his blog just the other day and noticed the treasure trove of information contained within. He truly does an amazing job at providing in-depth information About seemingly complicated tasks and makes them sound very simple.

Jay Lange is the foremost technical expert for cell phones and cell phone apps. This guy has made a career of dissecting the inner workings of cell phones and making them more reliable for the average user. He provides much-needed insights and education for the average consumer to determine which apps are best for them.

From humble beginnings in middle-class Long Island to now driving luxury automobiles and enjoying lavish vacations, Jay Lange truly has it all. This just goes to show what hard work and dedication can do for anybody willing to make the sacrifice.

Getting Rich Means Getting Yourself Fired- and Becoming The Boss You want to get wealthy. You seek to retire early and hit financial independence at 25. The only way to do that is through entrepreneurship. The reason is simple. Entrepreneurship puts you on the top of a social pyramid. The lower layers of that pyramid exist only to prop up the peak of that structure. Its all win-win for those at the top. The future for those at the bottom is not as bright. Hence, entrepreneurship=riches. Employment=poverty. That simple relationship leads to the cardinal rule: employed flunkies dont get rich; the employers get rich. The whole point of starting a business is to keep the lions share of the wealth while your flunkies do the work. Okay thats harsh- but thats the reality. As long as you or I are paid a salary, well jump where the bananas are thrown. Its time to break that cycle. Finish this article and youll discover how to get there faster and easier. Its time to get really rich. For real

Your Fast Track To Getting Rich Quick 1. First , grab a shiny set of wheels. Its a fact that to be successful, you must look the part. Moving ahead in life is all about the network you swim in and its a harsh reality that appearances matter. Go to Citibank right now, withdraw all your money and spend it (or lease) a shiny Hermes Belt, and Armani suit and a car with a hot V8 engine. I recommend something red with an Italian pedigree. Its vital that your car car run rings around the Jag of the venture capitalist youre trying to woo. That commands their respect. By no means should you pour all your cash into your business- investors you impress will do that for you. Thats their job. Your task is to come up with the killer Big Idea. Its the key to rapid financial independence.

2. Next, kick your boss off the 33rd floor of his corner office. As a magnate-in-making, you cant build an empire carrying an umbrella for someone else. Leave the grovelling to Colonels scrabbling for scraps at the feet of El Presidente. Its vital to file your walking papers as soon as an idea is beginning to hatch. The rationale is this: force yourself out of your comfort zone. This is the real secret of early retirement planning.You literally start you wealth building at an early age. Theres no need to get hired in the corporate world- no matter how juicy the job offered by flashy New York Headhunters.

3. Rip something off. Theres no need to create an AIDS vaccine or teleporter machine. The powerful of this world rarely came up with something new. What they did was to look at trends, then copied something that showed strong promise. Remember its a waste of mind power to reinvent the wheel- simply build on what exists! But dont just copy. Fully upgrade the thing up to version 98.321 so no one accuses you of airheadedness. I recommend sticking to simple ideas allied with your passions and highly marketable. Remember, you want to get rick quick and fast. Pouring effort into something difficult is straight nonesense. You dont make money fast that way.

4. Get out your thesaurus. This is vital. You need something fancy to embody the vague greatness of your new tech and your fledgling company. Jargon is good. 5 syllables make it better. You want a buzzword that ties tongues in knots. I kid you not: savvy nominalization can transform a feather duster into Silicon Valleys next tech trend and revolutionize the future releases of Samsung Galaxy S8 chips. Branding. Thats all its about. Forget excessive R&D. Leave that to the competition. Then copy and upgrade.

5. Fire your CEO, COO and GM. Too many cooks spoil the broth and you dont want the executive committee second guessing you every step of the way. Its a waste of time and resources. If you retain them, make sure that their contract has a clause that says All decisions of Mr. (insert name here) are absolute and final. Go it alone. That would be best. Wait am I serious? Definitely. But this applies only at the onset when you want things moving fast. As the company grows, THEN you can start offloading responsibilities while you soak the rays at the Bahamas beaches. (Think Mr. Z of Facebook. This fine billionaire controlled the company 100% at the beginning). Its also how the CEO of Highster Cell PhoneSpy did it.

6. Stick to small elephants. Gunning for the big lofty stuff like SARS cures will take too much time. Consign the pie in the sky pipe dreams to the competition- if its too lofty and it hasnt been done yet, its way too hard. The competition will burn too much time and money pulling that off. Mr. Andy Grove took decades to make his first billion off Intel; you dont have that kind of time. You want to be a Mark Z and Facebook. A social network company will ROI faster than a microprocessor affair. Small goals. Stick with that. Make your desire for financial independence guide you.

7. Hug babies. Donate to nuns. Send funds to war torn countries. Send clash of clans unlimited gems to poor African gamers. Its all about nice publicity. You want your company to have good PR. PR translates to goodwill. That will drive more venture capitalists to your door. Your war chest may be laughable at the onset- dont let that stop you. You can hold a small charity dinner and still bring accolade.

8. Make money online, offline and through non conventional channels. Your baby company is growing and it will need funding. That copied (and upgraded) business idea that you executed by yourself will evolve faster with capital . Raise funds properly- make sure you hold majority stock no matter what happens. Youre the visionary bastard wholl take things to the top. So start sourcing money from high and low places. Try borrowing from enemies. Theyll often give you a horse laugh which will toughen you up when you meet real venture capitalists. Instagram is one way to do this- when youbuy instagram likes at followershaven for $3.99 , you increase visibility socially. Same goes via Pinterest or Google + marketing. Everyone else focuses on trimedia. Avoid that expensive bandwagon. Shoestring everything. Its how to get financial independence fast so you can retire early.

9. IPO. After a fiscal year brings your first 10M, go public. Of course it helps that your accountant prettied up your financials first. Nonetheless youll find yourself swamped with new cash (for an extra Italian car) and a bunch of sordid obligations labeled preferred shares, common stock and debentures. Whatever. Just keep your eye on the ball. At this point youll have gone through the entire process of how to get rich quick.

10. Wash, rinse repeat.Youre rich! Just as with the CEOs ofAIG and Enron, youll be the top dog owning millions of shares in a publicly traded company that employs ten thousand and generates nothing. Worse- the attorney general is investigating you for fraud. So you better start unloading. Exit quietly. Then start building a new company with the fresh capital infusion still lining your pockets. Learn how to keep your empire safe from thieves and spies CLICK HERE. Racketeering Videos for reference:

Do I detect confusion? If this plan doesnt seem right , then maybe you should be developing the next cheap psoriasis vaccine. Or maybe software that tracks jihadi criminals. Perhaps a portable water purifier for third world nations. Something with a social impact. Something that puts smiles on kids faces. In fact, maybe you dont even want to get rich quick; maybe what you want is a sense of fulfillment that youve actually contributed something grand to the world. (In case you didnt notice, everything above was a satire. Get over it. ) And thats what the rest of this site is really about. Its time to change yourself and to change the world. For the better. Start your quest to get wealthy today. Begin here. And remember to to bolster all your online advertising by learning how to get high page rankfor your business. Ethically.

The rest is here:

Success! - How to get Financial Independence and Help For Real

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