Dr. Batra’s Homeopathic Treatment – Homeopathic Remedies …

Posted: May 20, 2016 at 1:44 am

About Homeopathy? Why is it Better?

Positive homeopathy aims at stimulating the human bodys defence system. The bodys defence mechanisms and processes in turn prevent or treat an illness. The therapy involves small doses of substances that would help produce isolated symptoms of the said condition. This would enable the immune system to adapt and oppose the diagnosed condition. It is a healthier way to overcome ailments because it strengthens the bodys own ability to fight diseases. The homeopathy medicine course is tailor-made for each individual. It addresses particular issues rather than their generic nature. So, a plan is devised, not based merely on symptoms, like other branches of medicine. Considerations like lifestyle, mental status and emotional balance also feature in the treatment chosen. While other forms of medicine aid in controlling symptoms, homeopathic remedies help restoration of health. The therapy not only aims at controlling the condition, it also aims at ensuring that it doesnt relapse. In fact, there are certain conditions that can only be treated using homeopathy, without the fear of homeopathy side effects.

Why choose Dr Batras?

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