Comically Incorrect: A Collection of Politically-Incorrect …

Posted: May 4, 2016 at 7:44 am

"Move over Rembrandt, Picasso, Stan Lee, here comes Branco. Okay, I'm hyperventilating. Tony combines beautiful drawings with biting politically incorrect wit and laugh out loud humor." -LarryElder - TV and Radio personality at at Fox News and KRLM AM 870

Lighten things up! Political discussions and debates don't always have to be deep and long-winded arguments with points and counter points. Sometimes we just need to take a step back from it all and have a good laugh. With so many discouraging things happening in our country lately, that's the only thing we can do to keep from crying.

Conservative artist Antonio Branco is a master at encapsulating deep and complex issues in a simple comic. In this first book in a series, he takes on a wide array of issues, from food stamps to global warming to foreign policy, Antonio isn't afraid to say what he thinks.

Presented in a coffee table book style, this is the perfect conversation starter with friends and family that pick it up and start glancing through it's pages. Who knows, that liberal aunt of yours just might come over to the right side because of this book!

80 pages, hardcover. Measures 10" x 8".


I am not a writer; I am a cartoonist. Okay, so maybe I was drawing anddoodling in class when I should have been focusing on other things, likecreative writing, but it has brought me to where I am now: combiningtwo of my passionsart and politics.

In this book, I present a portion of my political perspective, one which I believeis shared by many Americans. May this collection serve to make you laugh,make you think, and to help remind you that the things that made Americagreat are being challenged but they are still worth fighting for. Antonio Branco, conservative artist and cartoonist


Political cartoonist extraordinaire, A.F.Branco, has joined the team at Liberty Alliance. Consequently, readers will now be able to enjoy his razor-sharp political humor on a regular basis. Are you concerned about the people who President Obama views as his mentors? If so, picture this. An angry looking Frank Marshall Davis is seen spouting his well-known, threadbare communist diatribes (e.g. spread the wealth, if you are success somebody else made that happen, the private sector is doing fine). In his hands he holds a mask of Barack Obama which he has just taken off. The caption reads: The ideology behind the gaffe mask. Priceless satire

With this brilliantly executed political cartoon, Branco proved that a picture can indeed be worth a thousand words. In fact, with an artfully crafted caricature and a context that is nothing short of creative genius, Branco made a statement more powerful than my fellow authors and I have been able to make in our lengthy columns on this subject. Only the best political cartoonists are able to do this, and Branco is one of the best. Even as I write this column, his fan base is spreading. His cartoons have already gained an international audience. His popular appeal among conservatives recently led to an interview on FOX News.

Branco describes himself as somewhere between the Far Side and the right side of every issue. He sits at his desk daily crafting comically and politically-incorrect cartoons that say with humorous satire what conservatives really think, but lack the opportunity to say to a broad audience. After years of listening to the squeaky wheel of the left advancing the cause of radicalism, Branco decided to use the power of his bully palette to advance the conservative movement. Conservatives worldwide can be glad he did. According to Branco, The art and humor of political cartoons has since the dawn of the Republic been a way to sway those who might not otherwise be persuaded.

As a political cartoonist, Branco joins a long line of notables who have used humorous satire to drive in the nail without breaking the board on political issues. There is something about the human psyche that makes humor an effective meansoften the most effective meansof making a point, revealing political hypocrisy, or pointing out falsehoods. The most famous political cartoonist of them all, Thomas Nast, helped bring down the corrupt Boss Tweed organization that had long controlled and manipulated New York politics. His razor-sharp satire and ability to create contextual allusions turned out to be more powerful than even the once all-powerful Boss Tweed. But even before there was Thomas Nast, there was Benjamin Franklin, Americas first political cartoonist. Franklins Join or Die cartoon in which the severed parts of a snake depict the original colonies is widely acknowledged as the first political cartoon in America.

First there was Franklin. Then there was Nast. Now there is Branco. A.F. Branco is the latest rising star in a long line of political cartoonists, and his work already surpasses some of the giants in the business. I encourage readers to enjoy his creative and humorous satire and to spread the word that Branco. At long last we have a conservative political cartoonist whose sharp mind, able pen, and incisive wit counteract the destructive falsehoods, distortions, and manipulation of the left-leaning mainstream media. Branco is a surgeon and his pen is his scalpel, an instrument he wields with laser-like precision in cutting through the philosophical morass of liberal orthodoxy.

ISBN: 978-1-4951-7371-4

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Comically Incorrect: A Collection of Politically-Incorrect ...

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