Articles about Politically Incorrect – tribunedigital …

Posted: April 26, 2016 at 10:42 am


By Meghan Daum | December 27, 2011

As fans of the late Christopher Hitchens cycle through the five stages of grief, it's interesting to see which of his opinions can still inspire the kind of anger that is unlikely to ever fade into acceptance. There are, of course, the obvious candidates: his characterization of Bill Clinton as "a rapist" or his vilification of Mother Teresa as "a fanatic, a fundamentalist, and a fraud. " There is also his oh-so-chivalrous shout-out to the Dixie Chicks, whom he called "fat slugs" (or "slags" or "sluts" depending on your source)


By Michael Sragow, The Baltimore Sun | November 18, 2010

If you've only seen Bill Maher on HBO's "Real Time with Bill Maher" or ABC's "Politically Incorrect," you haven't really seen Bill Maher. In concert he is, paradoxically, more relaxed and intense. Freed from the five-minute monologue and the host's chair, he moves with a flexible prowl. He plays with and off his fans, without pandering to them. He fearlessly reacts to whatever is happening in the moment. Three years after he filled the Lyric, Maher brings his stage act to the Hippodrome at 8 p.m. tonight.


By KATHLEEN PARKER | July 3, 2008

The words "domestic violence" typically invite images of bruised women and children - and male perpetrators. But the real picture of domestic violence isn't so clear-cut. And the solution to family violence is far more complex than our current criminal justice approach can handle. For about 30 years now, we've been throwing money and punishment at domestic violence with not enough to show for it. Estimates are that more than 32 million Americans are affected by domestic violence each year, with many of those in need of help never reporting their abuse.


By [MICHELLE DEAL-ZIMMERMAN] | November 26, 2006

Listening to Marc Steiner on the phone is just like listening to him on radio. In a fast-paced, scratchy baritone, he talks about a wide range of topics from his love of the city to his love of reading -- he even confesses a love of large trucks. The Baltimore native, 60, hosts a daily talk show on WYPR-FM that's among the station's most popular. On this day, he's just finished interviewing E.L. Doctorow and preparing to attend a reception for the author, where Steiner will be the host -- of course.


By Clarence Page | September 15, 2006

WASHINGTON -- A lot of people have their shorts bunched in a knot over a decision by the CBS reality game show Survivor: Cook Islands to divide its competing "tribes" by race and ethnicity. No surprise there. We have enough wars to worry about these days without having one put forth as prime-time entertainment, even if it's all in good fun. Hispanics Across America founder Fernando Mateo called the Survivor move an "offensive and cheap trick" to boost ratings, which is undoubtedly true, but hardly the first time networks have done that.


August 26, 2006

Confront the threat from radical Islam It's amazing that the liberal Democratic talking points about how President Bush's policies have created more terrorists and fomented hatred toward the United States seem to be gaining currency ("Bush frames touchy topics as winners for Republicans," Aug. 22). Of course, this spurious point of view conveniently omits the fact that the single most devastating attack against us in our history was plotted and planned well before the Bush administration ever existed.

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