DNA | Buzzle.com

Posted: April 12, 2016 at 3:42 pm

DNA (Deoxyribonucleic acid), of the shape of a double helix, found in the nucleus of a cell, is where genetic information is encoded and transferred. It has all the instructions needed for the development and functioning of an organism. DNA segments are known as genes. DNA research is a very complex scientific study which aids in finding complicated evolutionary information in humans and animals. It is a vast topic that has aided theories and discoveries in many diverse areas. The articles given below present DNA research in clearer light. They also tell you about the structure and composition of DNA, and also about DNA sequencing and replication.

What Does a Mutagen Mean in Biology?

Mutagens can cause disastrous effects on organisms.This Buzzle article explains what does the term mutagen mean. We have also explained different types of mutagens along with some examples of each type.

How to Make a 3D DNA Model Project

DNA - the blueprint of our life! Making a three-dimensional model, either for a school project or just because you want to understand DNA better, is very simple. This Buzzle write-up shows you how to make a 3D DNA model project...

Nucleoside vs. Nucleotide

Nucleoside and nucleotide are commonly used terms with regards to the molecular and structural components of the nucleic acids, DNA and RNA. They are often used interchangeably, however, they are quite distinct entities. This...

Plasmids: Functions, Types, and Uses

Plasmids are naturally occurring genetic elements found in microbial organisms. They can be found in all three domains of microbes - archaea, bacteria, and eukarya/eukaryota. This Buzzle article elaborates on the concept of a...

Difference Between Adenine and Adenosine

The terms 'adenine' and 'adenosine' are often used interchangeably, to refer to each other, however they differ with respect to their chemical structure and the other biomolecules that they interact with. This article compares...

55 Interesting Facts About The DNA

DNA or deoxyribonucleic acid, is the fundamental molecular unit that is responsible for the existence of living things on our planet. DNA is a vital part of each and every organism; be it a plant, an animal, a human, or even a...

DNA Bases and Their Pairing Rules

The DNA of all the living beings is composed of just four bases i.e. Adenine (A), Thymine (T), Guanine (G), and Cytosine (C). The various juxtapositions of these 4 bases give rise to the genetic codes of all the biota on the...

Best Microarray Data Analysis Software

High quality image processing and appropriate data analysis are important steps of a microarray experiment. This Buzzle article outlines some of the best microarray data analysis software available to extract statistically and...

Prokaryotic Vs. Eukaryotic DNA Replication

DNA replication is a complex process comprising several co-ordinated activities of specific molecules. This Buzzle write-up provides a brief difference between prokaryotic and eukaryotic DNA replication processes.

Difference Between DNA and RNA

Technically, ribonucleic acid and deoxyribonucleic acid sure sound alike. But let's face it, in the human body, redundancy does not exist. Check out this article to understand the difference between DNA and RNA.

DNA Replication Steps

The process of DNA replication comprises a set of carefully orchestrated sequence of events to duplicate the entire genetic content of a cell. The current article provides a short insight into the complex DNA replication steps.

Purines and Pyrimidines

The chemical properties of purines and pyrimidines, their structure & functions and other interesting facts are presented in the article.

Chromatin Function

If you are looking for information about chromatin function and structure, you've landed on the right page. This article explains the important role it plays in cell division and inheritance.

DNA Translation

In a nutshell, DNA translation can be defined as the process that "translates" information contained in the nucleic acids (DNA and RNA) to facilitate polypeptide or protein synthesis.

What Makes up DNA?

DNA or deoxyribonucleic acid is known as the building block of life. Mainly composed of protein, the DNA has a key role in life and is considered to be the storehouse for genetic traits.

Nucleotides in DNA

DNA is a polynucleotide. The genetic information, consisting of thousands of codes is carried by the nucleotides in DNA. This genetic information helps a person to know about his ancestors. Let's discuss more about this most...

What is a Nucleotide

We may never have been able to find out about our ancestors if what is a nucleotide remained a question. It is known as the box of information which is carried through generations. So, let's go through some of its essential...

Why is DNA Important

The following article presents some points that are related to the subject of DNA studies, and which specifically describe the importance of DNA.

DNA Replication Enzymes

DNA replication, the basis of biological inheritance, is made possible by certain enzymes present in cells. In this article, I talk about these prime replication enzymes and their functions.

Mitochondrial DNA and Human Evolution

The evolution of man has always been a matter of great interest and a widely debated topic in recent times. DNA is present in each cell of the human body. The DNA of mitochondria in the cell, can be used to reconstruct the...

DNA Sequencing

DNA sequencing is a revolutionary concept in biological research that attempts to decode the human body and its working. The accurate mapping of genes and genomes is achieved through this technology.

Mitochondrial DNA Testing

Mitochondrial DNA testing is a process that helps us to trace and unravel our maternal ancestry. To know more about it, read on...

Structure of Mitochondrial DNA

Mitochondrial DNA is the genetic material that is found in mitochondria, the organelles which provide energy to cells and are hence called their powerhouses.

Functions of Mitochondrial DNA

Mitochondrial DNA or mtDNA is the deoxyribonucleic acid present in the mitochondria organelles. This DNA was discovered by Margit and Sylvan Nass via electron microscopy. The discovery enabled an understanding about the role it...

How is Mitochondrial DNA Used in Forensics

Mitochondrial DNA analysis is a boon in forensic studies, as it is used to solve difficult cases, especially in case of degraded samples that lack nuclear DNA. Here is some information on how mitochondrial DNA is used in forensics.

Who Discovered DNA

DNAs are a unique bond of molecules that determine our very beings. Read the following article to gain more information this subject.

Biochips Part 2

Breaker's invention opens the way for future RNA chips capable of revealing the molecular composition of complex mixtures like blood serum and industrial wastefar more comprehensively than current biochips.

Biochips Part 1

This article deals with biochips used in the latest technology sector. Though implanted biochips could easily become a tool of Big Brother, they are more likely to become the treatment of choice for the physician of the 21st century.

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DNA | Buzzle.com

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