Atheism | Define Atheism at

Posted: March 20, 2016 at 7:44 am

Contemporary Examples

In 2009 he published a book defaming Hitchens and Richard Dawkins because he was irked by their bellicose brand of atheism.

atheism is highest in Europe, where there are established churches involved in the political process.

Maybe we need a new category other than theism, atheism or agnosticism that takes paradox and unknowing into account, he writes.

Another time, before he wrote his treatise on atheism, he scolded me for believing in God.

They all encourage her to spin her atheism into some form of belief.

Historical Examples

An attempt to exclude him on charges of atheism and blasphemy failed.

It is a shade better than the atheism of despair; yet only a shade better.

Mr. Saunders, so far as his atheism was concerned, was suggested by Professor Clifford.

Mallare closed his eyes, a God shuddering before His own atheism.

atheism and downright infidelity, as a general rule, are never very popular.

British Dictionary definitions for atheism Expand

rejection of belief in God or gods

Word Origin

C16: from French athisme, from Greek atheos godless, from a-1 + theos god

Word Origin and History for atheism Expand

1580s, from French athisme (16c.), from Greek atheos "without god" (see atheist). A slightly earlier form is represented by atheonism (1530s) which is perhaps from Italian atheo "atheist." Ancient Greek atheotes meant "ungodliness."

atheism in Culture Expand

Denial that there is a God. (Compare agnosticism.)

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Atheism | Define Atheism at

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