platform – Transhumanist Party

Posted: March 6, 2016 at 8:41 pm

1) Implement a Transhumanist Bill of Rights mandating government support of longer lifespans via science and technology

2) Spread a pro-science culture by emphasizing reason and secular values

3) Create stronger government policies to protect against existential risk (including artificial intelligence, plagues, asteroids, climate change, and nuclear warfare and disaster)

4) Provide free education at every level; advocate for mandatory preschool and college education in the age of longer lifespans

5) Create a flat tax for everyone

6) Advocate for morphological freedom (the right to do anything to your body so long as it doesnt harm others)

7) Advocate for real-time democracy using available new technologies

8) End costly drug war and legalize mild recreational drugs like marijuana

9) Create government where all politicians original professions are represented equally (the government should not be run by 40% lawyers when lawyers represent only 10% of the countrys jobs)

10) Significantly lessen massive incarcerated population in America by using innovative technologies to monitor criminals outside of prison

11) Strongly emphasize green tech solutions to make planet healthier

12) Support and draft logistics for a Universal Basic Income

13) Reboot the space program with significantly increased government resources

14) Develop international consortium to create a "Transhumanist Olympics"

15) Develop and support usage of a cranial trauma alert chip that notifies emergency crews of extreme trauma (this will significantly reduce domestic violence, crime, and tragedy in America)

16) Work to use science and technology to be able to eliminate all disabilities in humans who have them

17) Insist on campaign finance reform, limit lobbyists power, and include 3rd political parties in government

18) Create a scientific and educational industrial complex in America instead of a military industrial complex. Spend money on wars against cancer, heart disease, and diabetes not on wars in far-off countries

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platform - Transhumanist Party

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