Tennessee NSA

Posted: February 10, 2016 at 5:44 pm

The following levels of play will be instituted for the men's slow pitch program

Elite - Gold - Silver - Bronze

THE APPEAL PROCESS IS THE SAME as in the past -AND- The National Classification Committeeis still reviewing all appeals.

DEADLINE to APPEAL Upgrade is MAY 1st!See - How to AppealAPPEAL FORMS: Click button forAPPEAL FORM - EXCEL to SAVE the Appeal Form to your computer tobe able to type in the information and then email to your State Director- USE Excel Format. -OR- Use thePDF VERSION of the APPEAL FORM to PRINT & WRITE IN to Mail or Fax for a listing of Upgraded teams select Link on Left

This list may change at any time due to State Directors or Zone VP's Reclassifying the Teams. The bylaws for reclassification may change at this years convention and may affect the teams UPGRADED (moved up) for the following year.

NSA National UPGRADE Rules for2015

The entire roster of the Super World Champions for Mens GOLD - SILVER - BRONZE must ALLbe UPGRADED (moved up) in classification. Individual Players from the Super World Champions MUST play UP in Class the following year.No matter if they have 5 or more players returning. If your team WON the Super World Series and are moved UP in CLASS, ALL Individual players MUST move up, you cannot stay the same class thefollowing year.

Players from a Mens "GOLD or Mens "SILVER MOVE UP team (Mandatory or with Appeal) CAN NOT move down in classification the following year.

ALL PLAYERS on a Mens "GOLD or "SILVER Upgraded team -MANDATORY or WITH APPEAL can move up with their team at least one (1) Classification OR- if leaving the teamMUST REMAIN AT THEIR CURRENT LEVEL of CLASSIFICATION.Individual Players from a Mens Gold or Silver UPGRADED team can ONLY participate atthe SAME or HIGHERClass for the following year.Players on an UPGRADED TEAM on the Upgrade list from Men's "Gold" or "Silver" CANNOT move downin Class the following year!If your team participated in "Gold and is upgraded to "Elite next year (with or without an appeal),Individual Players from this team Can ONLY participate in the "Gold or Higher Class programs next year.

Players from a Mens "Bronze Mandatory Upgrade team must have the entire roster moved to "Silver AND must participate at the "Silver level for a minimum of one year before they can appeal to the classification committee to be down graded back to class "Bronze.

TEAMS on a MANDATORY Upgrade with NO APPEALmust move up at least one (1) classification.Note: If they have 5 or more returning players or any combination of 5 players from upgraded teams from the preceding years rosters. The coachs name should also be included on the roster.Note:If you have LESS than 5 players returning or combination of 5 upgraded players,you stillMUST APPEAL in writing to be allowed to STAY in the same classification.SeeHow to Appeal Important Notes: Players and/or teams not participating in the NSA program for one (1) or more seasons willretain the Classification they were upgraded to prior to taking an absence from theNational Softball Association.

Teams that are a mandatory UPGRADE must play in a Qualifier,STATEandeither the Super Regional or World Series in order to be eligible to appeal their classification the following year. Failure to do all of the three validations will result in the team being ineligibleto appeal their UPGRADE.Teams not qualifying for the Super Regional or World Series can appeal to the classification committee.

Players are LIMITED to dropping no more than one classification per calendar year and must beapproved by the State Director and /or Zone VP for proper team classification. (The NSA calendar year is from January 1st to December 31st). EXCEPTION: Gold & Silver players from a Move Up team (Mandatory or with Appeal) CAN NOT move down in classification. EXCEPTION: Mens Class Bronze players listed on a Mandatory Move Up team roster -ALL PLAYERS MUST move up.

The State Director and/or Zone Vice-President have the authority to move any team up or UPGRADE in Class at any time, due to the advanced play of the team in question.

How to APPEALto be DOWNGRADED-OR- to APPEAL to STAY IN SAME CLASS:DEADLINE TO APPEAL is May 1st - Appeals received after this date will automatically be denied.Teams must appeal your classification upgrade in writing or via email to your State Director with the following information: 1. Completely Fill Out the Official APPEAL FORM - include Reason you should be Downgraded and Rationaleanddocumentation to support your being Downgraded. 2. Roster of players you will have on NEXT YEARS Team. If players are coming from another team besidesthe team you are appealing for reclassification, please include what team they played for and team class. 3. STATE DIRECTOR WILL then include a letter/email with your application and forward it to the NationalReclassification Committee. ALLOW THE STATE DIRECTOR at least 10 days for review of the appeal! DO NOT WAIT A FEW DAYS BEFORE A TOURNAMENT! ANY TEAM RECEIVING AN APPROVED APPEAL will be based on this information.Additions or changes to your approved roster could result in reclassification at ANY TIME!Click button forAPPEAL FORM EXCEL to SAVE the Appeal Form to your computer tobe able to type in the information and then email to your State Director- Excel Format.-OR- Use thePDF VERSION of the APPEAL FORM to PRINT & WRITE IN to Mail or Fax

The State Director and/or Zone Vice-President have the authority to reclassify a team at any time.

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Tennessee NSA

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