New York Genome Center About Us

Posted: January 29, 2016 at 11:42 pm

Being at the forefront of science and technology and promoting a healthy and attractive workplace are objectives integral to NYGCs mission. One important way NYGC strives to meet these objectives has been to design and maintain an environmentally responsible facility. Wherever possible, NYGC created systems, chose materials and supplies, and adopted approaches that lower its environmental impact and make NYGC a desirable place to work.

NYGCs multifaceted commitment to creating a green environment includes:

LEED Gold Facility NYGC has achieved LEED gold certification under the LEED for Commercial Interiors Rating System, from the U.S. Green Building Council, indicating that the facility has incorporated green elements in the categories of Sustainable Site selection, Water Efficiency, Energy and Atmosphere, Materials and Resources, Indoor Environmental Quality, and Innovation in Design. NYGCs facility is also located in a LEED for Core + Shell building, further exemplifying the synergies that the USGBC advocates.

Easy Access to Public Transportation NYGC is located in a dense urban area close to basic services and multiple subway lines. The 1, 6, A, C, E, N, Q, and R trains, as well as a number of bus lines are a short walking distance from the building. This proximity to public transportation decreases the need for automobiles, which in turn helps reduce air and noise pollution.

Bike and Runner Friendly For staff members who want to bike, run, or walk to work, NYGC has installed bicycle storage, showers, and changing facilities. Alternate ways of commuting reduce smog and air pollution, as well as traffic congestion, noise pollution, and the need for roadway and parking lot infrastructure.

Natural Light and Views With windows on each floor and no adjacent buildings on three sides of 101, almost every employee has the benefit of natural light as well as a direct view of the outdoors.

Outdoor Terraces NYGC has one landscaped roof terrace, and will eventually have a second, outside our 7th floor office floor. The gardens provide an inviting outdoor space where staff can take a break from lab benches and desks.

Water Efficiency Measures NYGCs low-flow plumbing fixtures and water-saving measures, when combined with the base buildings LEED Core & Shell measures, are expected to result in a 30-35% reduction in water use.

Lighting and Energy Efficiency NYGC has undertaken a number of measures to increase lighting and energy efficiency, including reducing light-power density, installing sub-meters to track energy consumption, and implementing an energy-efficient HVAC system and EnergySTAR-rated appliances such as refrigerators, printers, and computer monitors.

Single-Stream Recycling Program NYGC provides single-stream recycling with bins that hold paper, cardboard, glass, plastics, and metals together.

Environmentally Conscious Construction Program In building out a 170,000-square foot facility, NYGC took a number of steps in consideration of the environment:

Excerpt from:
New York Genome Center About Us

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