Still Don’t Understand Bitcoin? This Concept Art Will Help …

Posted: May 31, 2015 at 6:42 am

For most of us, bitcoin doesnt make much sense. The cryptocurrency has been trusted for almost 200,000 transactions totaling more than$45 million dollars, but it still feels unfamiliar.Its digital; its global; itbreezes throughnational and legal barriers.We literally cant grasp it. This week . The interactive installation puts cryptocurrency in the context of the city, making both a bit easier to understand.

IDEAS CITY is part conference and part art fair. It wasfounded by the New Museum in 2011 and made a mission of bringing art, education, and civic action to public places. The theme of this years IDEAS CITY is Invisible City, and explores transparency and surveillance, citizenship and representation, expression and suppression, participation and dissent, and the enduring quest for visibility in the city.

What sort of project do those themes inspire? There will be a painting by drones, a performative conference in hot air balloons, pop-up playgrounds, and Foamspace.

Ryan King, Katya Zavyalova, Nikolay Martynov, and Betty Fanstartedthe project in January 2015and found inspiration in the IDEAS CITYprompt:The theme for this years IDEAS CITYFestival is the Invisible City and the materialwe chose to use for our installation is omnipresent yet invisible in our everydaylives:EPS Geofoam.

Geofoam blocks are usually a structural support inside of buildings. Foamspace putsthe out-of-sight material into public view to demonstrate bitcoin exchanges.

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Still Don't Understand Bitcoin? This Concept Art Will Help ...

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