Return to the NOW and the ominous 33rd parallel

Posted: September 29, 2012 at 12:12 pm

ByNicolas Bonnal

As I observed earlier, and some others like me, the 33rdparallel is playing a strategic role this year; for all the present and important conflicts haunt this line. And don't forget that if you don't believe in such things, some other do, who often come to power, like the Bush Dynasty, their axis of evil, the new world order or "thousand points of light". Think too of the Augurs, astrologists, and magi that the powerful consulted at any moment since the dawn of humanity; books were also published about Mitterrand or Reagan's esoteric manias. And President Clinton's university mentor was Carroll Quigley, the best conspiracy historian ever!

So don't tell it's just junk stuff for the nuts. Everything is ruled by the numbers.

Especially are distances and numbers and the manner of using compasses to be learned in that game.

Kipling, Kim.

I noticed a month ago the role of the number 33, linked to the obvious Three and to the Eleven (11/11/18, 11/22/63, 11/9/2001...). Hitler came to power in 1933, like Roosevelt, and in Soviet Union began the symbolic yet murderous persecution of peasantry. But you can consider these other data: the reign of King David, the age of Christ, the latitude of Nazareth or Megiddo, presumed future place of the Armageddon battle.

33... We were already witnesses of Iraqi or Afghan wars. This year we'll have three wars: the Libyan one, including the symbolic human sacrifices of Colonel Gaddafi or US ambassador unfortunately named Christopher Stevens ("the bearer of the crown of Christ"); the Syrian one, announced by Isaiah, whom, like Ezekiel, follow strictly Israeli political agenda; and the Iranian one which shall take place on this parallel. The Iranian war is linked to a nuclear program, and we know that Los Alamos desert and Nagasaki are located on the 33rd parallel. Not to mention the degree of President Truman, one of the most well-known masons-presidents of USA, who ordered to bomb Japan twice to establish the first version of NWO!

I noticed too the role of this parallel in American history, America being world-famous for her Masonic agenda or her masons' roads. I have some fresh data! The Civil war started on this parallel; Roosevelt died on that parallel, at Warm Springs, Georgia. We can also emphasize the location of Roswell, famous for its "alien life", which played a very important role in the post-modern agenda, like the Bermudas and their murderous triangle.

In central Asia, we must absolutely underline again the importance of Afghanistan, of the Khyber Pass and the English-Illuminati agenda as it was exposed in Kipling's' masterworks. For the "Great Game", with his chequered earth and his strange landmarks basically deals with the 33rd parallel. The crown of India reposes firmly on the troubled places of Kashmir, Pakistan and Afghanistan. Not to mention the always serviceable Tibet, full of enlightened, monks and agents, and submitted to the British aura. Well, many have so good reasons to concentrate their efforts on our favourite line.

Continued here:
Return to the NOW and the ominous 33rd parallel

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