Fan claims municipal police violating freedom of speech

Posted: February 20, 2015 at 12:53 am

Deputy mayor defends actions

At least one Cataract fan is upset with the way municipal enforcement officers handled a couple of boisterous fans recently. However, Grand Falls-Windsor deputy mayor Barry Manuel stands behind the officers actions and says its their job to curb situations that they feel could possibly turn volatile.

In a letter to The Advertiser, fan Evan Penton said the actions of the municipal enforcement officers at the game between the Cataracts and the Caribous on Feb. 7 were, a complete violation against freedom of speech as well as an abuse of power from a local cop.

During the third period of the game, Penton said, two die hard fans were very vocal.

The men were chirping the opposing players and fans all night long, he said.

However, according to Penton, the men did not say anything vulgar or use curse words in their relentless attempts to heckle the other team.

While Penton thought that two of the fans had been removed from their seats, Blaine Piercey (one of the fans approached by the municipal enforcement officers) said it may have looked that way, but its not how things unfolded.

Piercey said he was asked by two municipal enforcement officers to come down to talk to the boss.

Thats what he did, he said.

He said that I was swearing and that its not tolerated, Piercey stated. I said I wasnt swearing, and I can prove it. He said that somebody in my section said that I hope that fellow drops down on the ice and chokes to death. I told him I never said that, and I dont think anybody said that.

The rest is here:

Fan claims municipal police violating freedom of speech

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