ALEX JONES Talks To DAVID ICKE: Human Genetics, Election FRAUD

Posted: November 7, 2012 at 6:47 pm

ALEX JONES Talks To DAVID ICKE: Human Genetics, Election FRAUD The Religion Of DEATH
ALEX JONES Talks To DAVID ICKE: Human Genetics, Election FRAUD The Religion Of DEATH Alex talks with author and presenter David Icke about election fraud and human genetics. TAGS: David Icke Alex Jones New World Order NWO Illuminati Conspiracy Truth Bush Government Propaganda Brain Washing WW3 wwiii Globalist Elite Takeover Gerald Celente Max Keiser Financial Economic Crisis Freedom Economy Tyranny 9/11 911 FBI CIA Zion Zionism Zionist Rothschild Royal Family Tsiyonuttimes 2012 2013 truth wake up matrix system plan agenda life government control cash trends bilderberg secret rich trendy fear divide rule religion income sheeple America US USA uk britain war ww3 terror false flag attack evil economy crisis gold silver investment bullion banker alex jones infowars gerald celente lindsey williams rothschild Tsiyonuttimes 2012 2013 US USA America Paul Ryan Barack Michelle Obama Mitt Romney Joe Biden President Vice President Election Votes Voters Polls Speech Debate Democrat Republican Tea Party George Bush Bill Hilary Clinton Forward Change 47% Middle Class Income Policy PoliticsFrom:Tsiyonut timesViews:0 0ratingsTime:58:00More inNews Politics

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ALEX JONES Talks To DAVID ICKE: Human Genetics, Election FRAUD

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