Five moments from US elections past ‘1960 election : Race as an issue’ – Video

Posted: November 7, 2012 at 6:44 pm

Five moments from US elections past #39;1960 election : Race as an issue #39;
This year, we trawled our archive for highlights from our election coverage of days gone by. The five antique gems below are snapshots of politicians and correspondents #39; evolving attitudes throughout the broadcast TV era. To the modern viewer, those featured in these clips may seem over the top, crass and politically incorrect - and that #39;s just the presenters. In 1948, the Democrats adopted a civil rights plank as part of their party platform. At the time 35 Democratic leaders walked out. They later established their own short-lived party, the Dixiecrats. But even after the Dixiecrats disbanded, animosity over civil rights remained among southern Democrats. Mississippi Governor Ross Barnett was famous for his segregationist views, and opposed the civil rights workers from the north who travelled to his state to register voters and agitate for fair treatment for African Americans. At the 1960 convention, the BBC #39;s Robin Day questioned Barnett over the rights of African Americans. Barnett was unequivocal about his distaste for the equal rights movement.From:ManoharT439Views:418 22ratingsTime:01:31More inNews Politics

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Five moments from US elections past '1960 election : Race as an issue' - Video

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