Rachel Maddow Discusses Ron Paul’s Rise, The GOP Party’s Downfall – 2012-07-10 – Video

Posted: November 4, 2012 at 5:41 am

Rachel Maddow Discusses Ron Paul #39;s Rise, The GOP Party #39;s Downfall - 2012-07-10
#39;The Rachel Maddow Show #39; for Tuesday, July 10, 2012 - Don #39;t Nebraska, Don #39;t Tell The transcript can be found here: http://www.msnbc.msn.com A story we`ve been following here on this show that frankly does not get much attention anywhere else is the extent to which the supporters of one of the Republican presidential candidates this year are not giving up on him, even though Mitt Romney seemingly has the nomination in the bag. Supporters of Ron Paul are taking over the Republican Party at the state and local level. Ron Paul folks are now becoming Republican Party state chairman in places like Iowa and Alaska. They`ve taken over in places like Clark County, Nevada, where Las Vegas is, which is awkward if you`re Mitt Romney and you`re counting on any help from the Republican Party to win in a place like Nevada. In addition to taking over the party whatever they can, Ron Paul folks are still fighting to win the majority of delegates in as many states as they can. If they do that again in Nebraska this Saturday, then according to the Republican Party`s own rules, Dr. Paul will be eligible to be nominated for president at the party`s official convention in Tampa this fall, which means that at that convention, Mitt Romney`s nomination will be contested. And there will have to be dueling speeches by him and Ron Paul, and there will be a contested floor vote. And it will not go at all the way these coronations are supposed to go. I realize that this is not happening in Washington, DC and ...From:TheRonPaulArchivesViews:1 0ratingsTime:03:40More inNews Politics

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Rachel Maddow Discusses Ron Paul's Rise, The GOP Party's Downfall - 2012-07-10 - Video

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