YES on prop 37 "flashmob" march – Santa Cruz, CA Sept. 2012 – Video

Posted: November 2, 2012 at 12:47 pm

YES on prop 37 "flashmob" march - Santa Cruz, CA Sept. 2012
The Group GMO-Free Santa Cruz marches downtown Santa Cruz in support of Prop 37. "Real people want Prop 37 to have a choice to opt out of this GMO experiment; just like in 61 other countries including Europe, India, even China! Genetic Engineering technology is only 20 years old, we have no idea what this will cause for generations to come. There is no independent long-term studies, Monsanto affiliates forbid testing of their GMOs to the point where anyone buying them has to sign a contract about it. These nasty Chemical Junk-food companies now have over $40 million against us, the PEOPLE! Anger is not a strong enough word to describe how de-moralizing their evil lies conniving propaganda make us Prop 37 volunteers feel. They are spending over $1 million dollars a day to bomb our citizens opinion #39;s. Voter #39;s need to question why they are spending so much to lie!" ~Tarah Locke, Founder of GMO-Free Santa Cruz Song by Lisa Bunin http://www.yeson37.orgFrom:GMOfree SantacruzViews:18 2ratingsTime:02:04More inNonprofits Activism

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YES on prop 37 "flashmob" march - Santa Cruz, CA Sept. 2012 - Video

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