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Posted: September 16, 2014 at 7:42 am

Lay it on ... Ambrose tells what happened to problematic Germans like this one. They were not the only troublemakers, however. Picture courtesy of Australian War Memorial. Source: Supplied

IT was always going to end badly after the Germans beat up a priest.

Tracking down the troublemakers, Ambrose OHare and his mates left one man to guard their remote hideaway against cannibal tribes then marched the rest for miles across rugged country, to face humiliating and painful retribution...

Flogging a movie ... Harrison Ford as Indiana Jones. Source: Supplied

Flogging the Germans ... our hero, Ambrose OHare. Source: Supplied

This is just one part of the gritty, grumpy and to modern eyes politically incorrect soldier OHares account of a little-known tropical conflict just north of Australia.

Of course Ambroses island had a volcano ... what tropical adventure would be complete without? Source: AFP

With battles, booze, dodgy dealers, whips and naked natives it reads like the backdrop for an Indiana Jones film.

And while all too real, our brave, modest and lucky main mans recently published diary of bizarre experiences forms an account of WW1 service unlike all others.

In particular, his story of how troublesome Germans got a nasty but non-lethal taste of their own medicine is fascinating, considering recent much-criticised claims that Australian soldiers in the area committed war crimes by shooting prisoners.

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