1st HOUR (SEE DOT, UPPER LEFT) 6/5/12 live ! VENUS TRANSIT @ 3:52pm(pst) – Video

Posted: October 31, 2012 at 11:51 pm

1st HOUR (SEE DOT, UPPER LEFT) 6/5/12 live ! VENUS TRANSIT @ 3:52pm(pst)
MOST DRAMATIC FOOTAGE OF VENUS TRANSIT CAN BE SEEN AT http://www.youtube.com ALSO SEE PICS OF VENUS TRANSIT from the SPACE STATION AT news.discovery.com FOOTAGE from SLOOH, SEE events.slooh.com "...Often referred to as the "Evening Star" or "Morning Star," Venus is the brightest natural object in our sky after the Sun and the Moon. As the second planet from the Sun, it #39;s closer to the Sun than the Earth is. A "transit" of Venus occurs when Venus passes between us and the Sun in such a way that we can see Venus #39;s silhouette backlit by the Sun #39;s brilliant light. It last happened in 2004, but it won #39;t happen again until 2117. Unless you plan to shatter some human longevity records, this is probably your last chance..." wakefield.patch.com ALSO SEE venustransit.nasa.gov http://www.nasa.gov venustransit.nasa.gov http://www.flickr.com http://www.astronomerswithoutborders.org http://www.bareket-astro.com http://www.ustream.tv ALSO , AN INTERESTING ARTICLE ENTITLED "How The Transit Of Venus Helped Unlock The Universe" http://www.npr.org READ MUCH MORE AT OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ARE YOU CONFUSED? FEELING LOST or SCARED? Having trouble with a RELATIONSHIP? Seeking a NEW RELATIONSHIP? Having FINANCIAL TROUBLE? WONDERING what LIFE is ALL ABOUT ? There is ONLY ONE ANSWER to ALL the QUESTIONS or CONCERNS. See http://www.HEARINGtheWORD.posterous.com And PLEASE HELP PROTECT UNBORN LIFE ! See http ALSO, HELP PROMOTE KINDNESS, SEE fight4kindness.posterous.com . And, please pray for our public schools be an advocate for ...From:JP VANDERKOKViews:10504 0ratingsTime:00:28More inScience Technology

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1st HOUR (SEE DOT, UPPER LEFT) 6/5/12 live ! VENUS TRANSIT @ 3:52pm(pst) - Video

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