Much longer lifespan from eating Activated carbon or fullerenes (a third to 2 times longevity) – Video

Posted: October 31, 2012 at 11:51 pm

Much longer lifespan from eating Activated carbon or fullerenes (a third to 2 times longevity)
A peer reviewed journal recently published that buckminsterfullerene C60 actually doubles rat longevity (Baati 2012) (note: only 6 rats were used) At a different study, with n= 155 rats activated carbon has been published as giving rats 36.8 pct greater longevity (Kovtun, AI) Other studies on activated carbon where the number of lab animals is not described online have published longevity gains of 43 pct (Frolkis, W) to 60 pct (Kovtun, AI) 43(as described at a 1996 volume 22(3) Human Physiology review article (Mamai, AV) ) Thus a number of studies, with perhaps hundreds of lab animals, show that some simple form of carbon causes much greater longevity Edible forms of activated carbon are already FDA approved, although not specifically as human longevity drugs. I urge research on oral C60 fullerenes as longevity drugs, as well as further use along with research on activated carbon This research may sound slightly funny, yet thinking of the value of longevity at generally reducing disease I suggest seeing if ordinary charcoal briquettes fed to rats give greater longevity Then the developing world would have a longevity drug that defers most illnesses that developing worlders could easily make If edible charcoal is actually a 40 pct or greater longevity drug, as a number of peer reviewed studies support, then billions of people could easily live longer weller lives Thus I also suggest researchers verify the ...From:beinganangeltreonViews:95 0ratingsTime:03:04More inPeople Blogs

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Much longer lifespan from eating Activated carbon or fullerenes (a third to 2 times longevity) - Video

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