swissnex Connector Award- Meet Prof Joe Brain – Video

Posted: October 31, 2012 at 11:51 pm

swissnex Connector Award- Meet Prof Joe Brain
swissnex Connector Award (SCA) is a two-month long campaign that highlights swissnex success stories, rewards our community and shares personal views on Switzerland #39;s innovation nation. Meet Professor Joe Brain. Professor Brain is the Cecil K. and Philip Drinker Professor of Environmental Physiology in the Department of Environmental Health at Harvard School of Public Health. Professor Brain was instrumental in the organization of our speaker series with SwissRe on "The Future of Human Longevity."From:swissnexbostonViews:23 0ratingsTime:03:32More inNonprofits Activism

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swissnex Connector Award- Meet Prof Joe Brain - Video

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