Jack, Age Thirteen, Once Hospitalized for “Incurable” Eczema, Finally Finds Cure

Posted: October 31, 2012 at 11:50 pm

His skin is now healing thanks to expert dermatologist Dr. Marvin Rapaport and the support of the International Topical Steroid Addiction Network.

Indian Harbour Beach, Florida (PRWEB) October 31, 2012

His skin is now healing thanks to expert dermatologist Dr. Marvin Rapaport and the support of the International Topical Steroid Addiction Network.

When Jack was hospitalized, the doctors were very concerned about Jacks health but doubtful about the possibility of being addicted to topical steroids. Despite this, they respected the wishes of Jacks mother (Jill) and did not give Jack any steroids.

I think they started changing their way of thinking when all the tests they ran came back just like Dr. Rapaport told them they would, as well as everything else he told them would happen and not happen came true as well, Jill said. We had many doctors and nurses join them on their rounds each day asking more and more questions and reading the articles I brought. Hopefully a seed has been planted to start looking at other options rather than just prescribing steroids as their first line of defense for eczema.

Jills pediatrician was also skeptical the first time she brought in Dr. Rapaports articles about topical steroid addiction.

She agreed to read them with an open mind. She had said for years that she always feels like we missed something with him because his eczema just got worse and worse. After she read the articles, she became more and more interested. She spoke with Dr. Rapaport and has worked with us and him throughout this whole process and has been so supportive, said Jill.

After seven months of withdrawing from steroid medication, Jack now has healthy, clear skin.

The eczema cleared up. For the first time in his life he is starting to show confidence in himself like Ive never seen before, said Jill. Probably one of the most amazing things is that for the past four weeks that he has been back in school, he has worn shorts and a short sleeve shirt every single day! Jack hasnt worn anything except jeans and a zipped-up hooded jacket, even in the 95+ degree heat, for the past 3+ years.

Jacks pediatrician says his experience has already changed the way she is treating children with eczema and she uses Jacks story as an example. She has been amazed at what Jacks body has gone through, said Jill.

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Jack, Age Thirteen, Once Hospitalized for “Incurable” Eczema, Finally Finds Cure

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