Food labeling regulations

Posted: October 16, 2012 at 4:24 pm

Re: your Oct. 14 editorial, The propositions:

The Star believes that agencies at the federal and state levels should make sure foods are safe and properly labeled, but they are not doing. So, it is now up to the people to take food safety matters into their own hands when it comes to genetic engineering and the resulting effect on our health and the health of our families.

Proposition 37 is neither complicated nor technical, and rather than properly managing genetic engineering, federal and state agencies are leaving it in the hands of the chemical companies to assure us that our food is safe when it comes to genetic engineering.

Proposition 37 requires labeling of products that contain first generation genetically modified organisms - plain and simple. If these chemical companies, big agriculture, etc., are so proud of their laboratory created, genetically modified food, we say they should be proud to put a label on them so we know what we are buying, or not.

We have a right to know what we are eating, just like the citizens of the 50 other countries that already label genetically engineered food.

- Cyndi and Jude Egold,


Food labeling regulations

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