Ron Paul to Appear in New Film About U.S. Economy

Posted: October 10, 2012 at 3:10 am

In The Bubble, Paul criticizes the Federal Reserve and says America is facing an inflationary depression.

New York, NY (PRWEB) October 09, 2012

In the film, Paul says that Ben Bernanke's response to the 2008 crisis is only postponing America's fiscal problems. Paul believes that the massive increase in the money supply by the Fed will lead to extreme inflation and terrible unemployment. He says it is absolutely delusional to think we are entering into a period of recovery with either Romney or Obama. The Congressman was quick to point out that both Republicans and Democrats played a part in passing the recent stimulus acts and bailouts.

The standard of living is going down, Paul stated. The culprit is lower than market interest rates. The keynesians don't emphasize the need for production. They just want to create money and get people in the government to spend is a very corrupt system and it is very unworkable.

The raw footage of Ron Paul and the rest of the cast member interviews are available online at Updates about the film, including information about its upcoming 2012 release, can also be found at

Tyler Whitney The Bubble (517) 420-3186 Email Information

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Ron Paul to Appear in New Film About U.S. Economy

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