Ron Paul Supporters Contemplate a Write-in Campaign

Posted: October 2, 2012 at 7:16 am

With Rep. Ron Paul's, R-Texas, latest and final quest for the presidency now history, his small but committed group of supporters are now mulling what to do now. Some are contemplating writing his name in as a protest vote.

Others maintain that writing in Paul would do little but make the re-election of President Barack Obama more possible, something the libertarian-leaning Paul supporters would seem to loath to do.

Paul himself has not publically commented about a potential write-in campaign.

Write in Ron Paul

In an article in the Hartford Courant, Howard Landis makes the case for writing in Paul's name. He does this by ticking off the positions of both Mitt Romney and Obama in three key areas.

The economic policies, states Landis, of Barack Obama has been abysmal, with the excessive spending, high taxes, and over regulations. By implication, Romney, while not perfect, would be far better on economic policy than Obama.

Landis favors the foreign policy of Obama over that Romney. It seems that Romney would take a more active role in world affairs, attempting to influence events, something that is anathema to a Paul supporter.

On social policies, such as abortion and same-sex marriage, both Romney and Obama get good marks on not being active in pushing those issues. However, the high incarceration rate of people Landis believes have "harmed no one" concerns him and neither candidate will address the issue.

So, the upshot, is that since both Obama and Romney have the correct view on only one issue, Landis will write in Paul's name.

Do not write in Ron Paul

Continued here:
Ron Paul Supporters Contemplate a Write-in Campaign

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