Could fecal DNA database solve Boulder's dog waste dilemma?

Posted: March 29, 2014 at 12:43 am

Advocates for open space and Boulder officials long have lamented the difficulty of enforcing the law against people who leave dog waste along area trails.

Boulder City Councilwoman Mary Young wants to know how feasible it would be to require DNA samples from dogs with city-issued green tags that could be saved for later comparison to waste found on open space.

Young couldn't be reached Thursday afternoon, but in a note to the City Council's "Hotline" email list, she said a community member made the suggestion, and asked Open Space and Mountain Parks to report on the feasibility of the idea at Tuesday's council meeting.

In the "Hotline" message, Young said the suggestion was to "require a fecal sample when dog owners apply for open space privileges or when renewing their dog licenses. The city would keep a file of the DNA and any poop samples found could be easily identified, and the owner fined accordingly."

If You Go

What: Boulder City Council

When: 6 p.m. Tuesday

Where: Boulder Municipal Building, 1777 Broadway

Info: For more information and to read the complete agenda, go to The City Council will hold a public hearing and second vote on the changes to the green-tag program.

Such canine DNA tracking is already offered nationwide by several companies including one that reports drastic reductions in waste in areas where dog owners know their pets' poop can be traced.

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Could fecal DNA database solve Boulder's dog waste dilemma?

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