CMHR, U of M partner on human rights education class for teachers

Posted: March 15, 2014 at 4:40 am

Winnipeg Free Press - ONLINE EDITION

Posted: 03/14/2014 11:51 AM | Comments:

Its summer school that can make a huge difference on young minds for years to come.

The Canadian Museum for Human Rights and the Faculty of Education at the University of Manitoba announced the formation of a two-week class that will provide training opportunities and education basics for teachers this summer.

The class, the first partnership between the CMHR and post-secondary education facility, is called "The Fourth R: Teaching and Leadership for Human Rights Education." Its expected to give current and student teachers guidelines, knowledge and skills in the area of human rights, a subject that is becoming increasingly prominent in all school curriculum areas.

"The purpose of this summer institute is to ensure human rights take a central place in education -- not just as something we teach about, but also as something that informs how we teach," offered Dr. David Mandzuk, Dean of Education, in a statement Friday. "It will also help educators think deeply and critically about how they represent human rights stories, which can be told from multiple perspectives."

The formation of the program comes on the heels of a CMHR-Canadian Teachers Federation study last year, which found that 94 per cent of instructors were interested in acquiring more school and age-appropriate information about human rights.

"One of the best ways to educate students about human rights and responsibilities is to teach the teachers," said Stuart Murray, CMHR president and CEO. "That's why we're already beginning to address gaps in human rights education through strong partnerships that will better equip educators at all levels."

The English-only program runs from July 16-29 and is available to all teachers and student teachers. Contact the University of Manitobas Faculty of Education for more details.

Canadas newest national museum is expected to swing its doors open to the public later this year (Sept. 20).

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CMHR, U of M partner on human rights education class for teachers

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