euronews interview – Farhadi – self-censorship ‘real danger’ for Iranian filmmakers – Video

Posted: September 7, 2012 at 11:57 pm

23-05-2012 15:43 At the 65th Cannes Festival, Iranian film director Asghar Farhadi was, once again, the centre of attention, this time for his next film project. The European Commission has selected Farhadi's next movie for its 60000 euro 'Prix MEDIA' award. The film is due to be set in Paris with European casting. Earlier this year, Farhadi's 'Separation' won two Oscar nominations and took the award for Best Foreign Language film, the first Iranian movie to win the honour. In an interview with euronews in Cannes, Asghar Farhadi talks about his next project, the reaction in Iran, his cinematic style and the current restraints on Iranian film-makers. *euronews:* "You've just won the "Prix MEDIA" a European award which recognises cultural diversity, what does this award mean for you as an Iranian Film maker?" *Asghar Farhadi:* "The meaning it has for me is the same as all the encouragement I have received through these years. The other meaning is that I'm a writer who has always composed in the Persian language and whose dialogues have always been in the Persian language. Now some of the cast will be speaking another language. Finally, it means that those who have read the script for my next film have been able to connect with it and did not find it an unfamiliar story despite not knowing Persian, and that means a lot to me." *euronews:* "You won many international awards for your last movie 'A Separation' amongst them an Oscar for best foreign language movie - but ...

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euronews interview - Farhadi - self-censorship 'real danger' for Iranian filmmakers - Video

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