Photos: What a Post-Apocalyptic World Might Look Like

Posted: February 28, 2014 at 5:40 pm

Lori Nix considers herself a "non-traditional" photographer, because instead of going out to find subject matter, she constructs her own. For "The City", Nix created a series of photographs that depicted how she thinks a post-human future might look. This image is titled "Anatomy Classroom."

Lori Nix

Nix imagines buildings lying empty, yet becoming inhabited by new residents: fauna and flora. This images is titled "Vacuum Showroom" from the series "The City."

Lori Nix

Streets would be quiet without horns blaring and tires screeching. This image is titled "Subway" from the series "The City."

Lori Nix

Nix builds models of public spaces dedicated to history, science, and commerce lying deteriorating and neglected. This image is titled "Library" from the series "The City."

Lori Nix

As these spaces lie abandoned in Nix's post-human future, nature slowly takes them back. This images is titled "Bar" from the series "The City."

Lori Nix

See the rest here:
Photos: What a Post-Apocalyptic World Might Look Like

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