Psoriasis patients decry report on flesh-eating illness

Posted: February 26, 2014 at 4:42 pm

By Nestor Corrales

MANILA, Philippines A group of psoriasis patients decried latest news reports maligning the disease as communicable.

Psoriasis Philippines founding chairman Josef De Guzman on Wednesday said the case of a patient in Pangasinan who has been diagnosed with psoriasis has been sensationalized by a news report.

De Guzman was reacting to the report of ABS-CBN news program Bandila on Monday night saying that a mysterious flesh-eating illness is slowly spreading in Pangasinan.

I am making an open plea to them for a more responsible reporting because they are not helping other people. They are isolating us instead, De Guzman told in a phone interview.

He said that psoriasis is not communicable and added that the news report was maligning.

A lot of our members are now afraid to go out of their houses because of discrimination. There was no outbreak. The report just wants to sensationalize the situation, he said.

He appealed to the media to be responsible in reporting.

Media has been our greatest ally and we hope them to be responsible in news reporting, he said.

He mentioned that Psoriasis Society has a Hug Me campaign which is now on its seventh year to show people that the disease is not communicable.

Read more here:
Psoriasis patients decry report on flesh-eating illness

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