Futurists Worldwide 24-Hour Discussion to Celebrate World Future Day March 1st to be Hosted Online by The Millennium …

Posted: February 25, 2014 at 8:40 pm

(PRWEB) February 25, 2014

On March 1st, International Futures Day, six international futurist organizations will come together to conduct a 24-hour conversation about the worlds potential futures, challenges, and opportunities. This online conversation will be moving across the world with people entering and leaving the conversation whenever they want. The six organizations will provide facilitators for each of the 24 timezones as possible. In addition to The Millennium Project, they are: the Association of Professional Futurists, Club of Amsterdam, Humanity+, World Future Society, and the World Futures Studies Federation.

Two years ago Humanity+ initiated Future Day as March 1st for their members and anyone else - to host some activity locally to celebrate a positive future brought about by accelerating technology the focus of their organization. This year, Jerome Glenn, CEO of The Millennium Project, decided to help make it a global online event and start a new tradition that could eventually help humanity think itself together for a more beautiful future.

Wherever you are in the world, you are invited at 12:00 noon in your timezone to click on the Future Day button at http://www.millennium-project.org or http://www.themp.org to join this global conversation about the future", says Jerome Glenn. If the limit of interactive video conference participation is reached, new arrivals will be able to see and hear, but not have their video seen and voice heard, but they can type in their questions and comments at: https://twitter.com/MillenniumProj that the facilitators can read live in the video conference. As people drop out, new video slots will open up. This is an open, no-agenda discussion about the future, but in general people will be encouraged to share their ideas about how to build a better future, notes Jerome Glenn.

The contacts for the leaders of the collaborating organizations are:

The Millennium Project is a global participatory think tank connecting 50 Nodes around the world that identify important long-range challenges and strategies, and initiate and conduct foresight studies, workshops, symposiums, and advanced training. Over 4,500 futurists, scholars, business planners, and policy makers who work for international organizations, governments, corporations, NGOs, and universities have participated in The Millennium Projects research since its inception, in 1996. The Projects mission is to improve thinking about the future and make it available through a variety of media for feedback to accumulate wisdom about the future for better decisions today. It produces the annual "State of the Future" reports, the "Futures Research Methodology" series, the Global Futures Intelligence System (GFIS), and special studies. The Millennium Project was selected among the top ten think tanks in the world for new ideas and paradigms by the 2013 University of Pennsylvanias GoTo Think Tank Index, and 2012 Computerworld Honors Laureate for its contributions to collective intelligence systems. The forthcoming 2013-14 "State of the Future" will be available in March 2014.

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Futurists Worldwide 24-Hour Discussion to Celebrate World Future Day March 1st to be Hosted Online by The Millennium ...

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