Morgellons, Hexagon, Crystal Cluster Mind Control, Transhuman, Chemtrails – Video

Posted: September 7, 2012 at 11:56 pm

19-05-2012 01:38 Hexagon nest on the bottom of my shoe! I find these things all over, in bathrooms, hotels etc...and they are being spayed on us by planes above...chemtrails of chemspraying. Their purpose is control, power, greed! It's all bible prophesy. No one can buy or sell without the mark of the beast on their hand or forehead! Read Revelations for a blessing...God promises one if you do. Note the end of the story...where Jesus steps out and smites Satan with his sword. That's His holy word. The same one He used to speak this world into being an it's the same one He wil take them out with...those who are leaders of the new world order and out to hurt us ansd destroy God's creation. Their day is coming! So is yours. If you know Christ, it's going to be a good day! Thank you for reading.

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Morgellons, Hexagon, Crystal Cluster Mind Control, Transhuman, Chemtrails - Video

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