Nigel Kerner Greys Harvesting of Souls via Transhumanism, ClandestineTimelord

Posted: September 7, 2012 at 11:56 pm

11-07-2012 17:42 Wow, this was one of my all time favorites. Nigel has some fascinating views on The Greys, the Transhuman movement, Jesus Christ and The Shroud of Turin. In this almost 2 hour uncensored podcast with Mr Kerner, we dove into the possibilities of beings that want to harvest the Soul Energy of living species. The real reason behind the Anunnaki DNA manipulation of Hu-Man. What if the Soul is information mass at the core level? Wait until you hear about Nigels thesis on Jesus Christ blasting a hole thru the space time continuum. Whether you believe in ET's or Jesus Christ, Nigels thesis on the two subjects will certainly make you question the possibilities. 2342

See original here:

Nigel Kerner Greys Harvesting of Souls via Transhumanism, ClandestineTimelord

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