Letter to the editor: Trump is who we needed – Watauga Democrat

Posted: January 29, 2021 at 11:54 am

The authors rhetoric compared the recent protest in Washington, D.C., on Jan. 6 to his feeling of horror watching the Twin Towers fall on 9/11/2001. He says he was hurt by the violation of our nations capital and the depth of emotion that was awakened in him.

It made me wonder what he felt as he watched Antifa and BLM riot, loot, destroy and harm innocent American citizens. These protests in major progressive cities in Minnesota, Wisconsin, Washington, California, New York, Maryland, Virginia and Illinois resulted in 30 deaths and hundreds of businesses destroyed. The Washington, D.C., protest was perpetrated by protesters who invaded the capital and this should be condemned by all Americans. There should be investigations and arrests, and the guilty should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law!

The most violent anarchist arrested at the Washington, D.C., protest turned out to be a man named John Sullivan. He has been involved in past violent Antifa activities and is a known member of that domestic criminal group. Antifa is certainly not a Trump supporting group. I assume that this Antifa member did not act alone on that day.

The Democrat Party leadership supported by the mainstream media, high tech social media CEOs and wealthy donors such as George Soros began their attacks on President Donald Trump during the 2016 campaign. Trump is still being attacked for his every word, act and policy which still benefits the American people.

The number of policies and actions taken by this president are unprecedented in such a short span of time. He promised the American people that he would enforce our immigration laws already on the books and he did. He promised to seal our borders from criminal trafficking, and he did. He promised to reduce the size of the federal government while growing jobs and he did.

He promised to allow us to keep more of our hard-earned money, while protecting Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid and he did. He promised to build the strongest military in the world to defeat the caliph and ISIS and he did. He promised to scale down never ending wars and bring our troops home and he did. He promised to get out of treaties with international organizations which did not support our best interests and he did. He promised to get all members of NATO to pay their fair share and he did. He promised to negotiate better trade deals that grow jobs for Americans and he did. He promised to cut the corporate tax rate to grows jobs in the U.S. and he did.

Trump did all these things while being opposed by the Democrat Party for four years.

We needed a successful business executive who understood the free market economy, who was willing to praise successful people and organizations, and who could make quick decisions to get rid of waste, incompetence and failure. Trump was the man to meet this need to make America great again.

I thank you, Mr. Trump. Seventy-four million legal American voters, and I include myself, are proud to have supported you!

See original here:

Letter to the editor: Trump is who we needed - Watauga Democrat

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