5 Reasons Christianity and Libertarianism are Compatible, Young Evangelicals Say

Posted: February 19, 2014 at 6:41 am

February 18, 2014|9:30 am

Leah Stiles Hughey speaks at the Christianity and Libertarianism Panel at the International Students for Liberty Conference while her husband, Jason Hughey, and Philip Luca look on in Washington, D.C. Feb. 15, 2014.

Correction Appended

WASHINGTON Young Evangelicals argued that Christianity and libertarianism are compatible, and some even claimed that Christians should advocate for libertarian causes.

"Christians actually ought to feel outraged that the redemptive power of charity has been taken from us and given to an unfeeling, coercive state," Leah Stiles Hughey declared at a Saturday panel at The International Students for Liberty Conference. She claimed that when government gets involved in giving to the poor it denies the God-given human dignity of both giver and receiver.

Hughey's husband Jason explained that "the Bible is not a book of political theory." Nevertheless, "there are themes we get from the Bible that give a good foundation for Christians to embrace libertarianism or even anarchy," Jason Hughey said.

The Hugheys and three other panelists provided 5 reasons why they believe Christians can be libertarian in their political beliefs.

1. Christianity Celebrates Voluntary Action, Value Creation

Jacqueline Otto Isaacs speaks at the Christianity and Libertarianism Panel at the International Students for Liberty as Elise Amyx and Taylor Barkley look on, Washington, D.C. Feb. 15, 2014.

Jacqueline Otto Isaacs, a blogger at Values & Capitalism, explained that the Christian worldview also supports libertarianism. "The message of the Gospel, the good news, is that salvation from our sins is offered through Christ this salvation is voluntary and individual, and this is the core message of Christianity," Isaacs declared.

5 Reasons Christianity and Libertarianism are Compatible, Young Evangelicals Say

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