Being Human: Cheater of the Pack

Posted: February 19, 2014 at 6:40 am

[This is a review ofBeing Humanseason 4, episode 6. There will be SPOILERS.]


Though they want to do better, it sometimes feels like Aidan (Sam Witwer) and Josh (Sam Huntington) are bound to do worse. For the entire run of this show, vampirism has been treated like an addiction while the wolf gene has been treated like a communicable disease. Both un-kickable, both a pox on their shared house.

On last nightsBeing Human, the seemingly cursed dwelling of the vampire, the werewolf, and the ghost faced its latest threat a motivated seller in the form of Sallys brother Robbie (Jesse Rath, Meaghan Raths real life brother). But while that challenge to the status-quo (brought on by flaky Robbies latest financial ship running-a-ground) inspired forces from within the shadows to rear their head, the main characters life-plagues did the most damage.

As has been said before in these reviews, Nora has been guilty of reaching for something approaching a normal life this season, but here, Josh seems to call her bluff, pushing hard for a move away from the house and from Aidan and Sally toward their future when Robbie tells the group that they have 30 days to vacate the premises or buy the house from Sallys family for $300k.

The wind already knocked out of Nora, she tries to promise tomorrow while Josh nervously demands today, but what she doesnt know is that his evolving willingness to get normal comes from his latest failure to control his wolf. Though were spared the site of seeingBeing Humans poorly rendered werewolves canoodling, a tryst is implied between Joshs wolf and Wendys during the change. Who is Wendy? Remember Mark the alpha-wolf? She is his special lady and though the interlude happened during wolf-time, the two do wake up next to each other in the buff and Wendy seems far more comfortable with the situation than Josh is, though to be fair, Josh hasnt seemed comfortable once duringBeing Humans entire run.

Its interesting that, blinded by guilt and fear, Josh seeks out Aidan for romantic advice, though his decision to bring honesty into his relationship with Kat may have had something to do with that. Sitting in a bar next to the returned Suzanna (Aidans vampire killing first wife who is also a vampire) Aidan advises Josh to keep his secret from Nora, words emanating from a place of regret over that now shattered relationship with Kat no doubt, but words that also find their way to Suzanna, who flashes back to her own awful secret that she is keeping from Aidan.

It doesnt seem likely that Suzanna is pondering a change in her strategy, though, not when she has Aidan on the ropes, starved for blood and feeling heart-sick. Aidan once again speaks of wanting a normal life, something that he knew when he was with Suzanna before his change to vampire kind. He knows that with Kat gone and his new family about to splinter that feels far away and so he reaches out for the closest thing to normal that he can find in the form of Suzanna, promising to live a life faithful to her bloodless code if she walks a similar but very different line, abstaining from killing vampires. Naturally, he quickly fails (too quickly?) recreating one of the first glimpses into Aidans darker side that we saw in the shows pilot episode. That was a nice touch, but Aidans quick backslide feels too quick in light of his promise and his general good-guy nature, making it seem as though he never intended on keeping his word to Suzanna who will surely come back with ferocity over his broken promise.

Read the original:
Being Human: Cheater of the Pack

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