Bylaws of the Department of History – Nevada Today

Posted: January 13, 2021 at 4:39 pm

The Department of History of a publicly funded, land-grant university has several important missions. History is a cornerstone of higher education in America: as a department we seek to impart an understanding of the past as a vital force in shaping the present and the future. We serve the public by extensive research, teaching, and scholarly publications in fields that are important to audiences from the local to the international. We enrich our analysis through interdisciplinary, cross-cultural, and theoretically informed examinations of the past. We unite our roles as scholars and public servants by organizing and participating in public forums as well as professional conferences and organizations.

We are a community of scholars and teachers dedicated to our profession. Teaching is central to our mission. This includes undergraduate and graduate history instruction and participation in the University CoreCurriculum. We offer bachelors, masters, and doctoral degrees. We promote critical thinking, analytical, and writing skills, urgently needed by students facing an uncertain and rapidly changing future. Our individual research activities bring rigor and creativity to our teaching. Teaching and research are mutually reinforcing, and we are active in scholarly research and writing. Each member of our faculty participates in all parts of the mission, and each makes a unique contribution.

The Department of History shall periodically review its effectiveness, accomplishments, programs, and priorities. At least once every five years, it shall revise its current master plan in light of this review.

The rest is here:

Bylaws of the Department of History - Nevada Today

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