Welcome to the Kingdom of the State of Bir Tawil
Welcome to the official website of the Kingdom of the State of Bir Tawil (sometimes known or referred to as East Bir Tawil). Bir Tawil is a small, landlocked nation in between Egypt and Sudan, created as a result of both nation's claim to the Province of Ausfahrt (otherwise known as the Hala'ib Triangle), an area in actual fact belonging to Bir Tawil. Our nation was founded in February 2012, by Kings Adam I of the house of Cook and Kieran I of the house of Binns. Since our glorious beginnings, however, has been sorrow. The state was plunged into a brutal civil war that very same month, when Kieran I denounced the monarchy and led a rebellion against his former co-ruler. Since the end of said war (read more onhttp://www.facebook.com/pages/The-State-of-Bir-Tawil/298391776886171?fref=ts , our old facebook page) Bir Tawil has been divided into East and West. The West is ruled by General Binns, the former King, whilst the free state in the East is ruled by his majesty King Adam I of Bir Tawil and Ausfahrt, Duke of Fullah Alfalfah, rightful ruler of all Bir Tawil. The second throne has remained vacant since Kieran's abdication. For more information and a detailed history and record of our nation also make sure to visit http://www.birtawil.wikia.com/wiki/Bir_Tawil_Wiki,although due to some technical difficulties, some articles may be outdated.
Official Site of the Kingdom of the State of Bir Tawil - Home