Covid: Should schools stay open through lockdown? – The Northern Echo

Posted: November 6, 2020 at 8:54 am

UNLIKE the first Covid lockdown, schools are staying open during the latest England-wide restrictions.

The decision has proved controversial with parents and professionals alike, with an education union calling forschools and colleges to be closed during this second lockdown.

The National Education Unionsays that schools should remain open to the children of key workers and vulnerable children.

Kevin Courtney, Joint General Secretary, callsschools"an engine for virus transmission".

But what do The Northern Echo readers think?We askedyouon Facebook to tell us whether you think schools should stay open during lockdown, which runs from November 5 to December 2.

More than 300of you had your say.

Chris Thompson says his four-year-old's regular nightmares about "nasty germs" have stopped since she went back to school, which has had no cases.

He said: "From my perspective, schools been left open this time is vital towards her [his child's] mental health and overall wellbeing."

Lynne Brown agreed. She said:"Course they should as it gives them a little bit of normality in their lives, they can see their school friends and try to catch up with schoolwork that was missed during the first lockdown."

Angela Watson says her two boys have been in and out of school like "yoyos" due to cases and the bubble system.

She said: "My12 yr and 10yr old have been in and out like yoyos down to cases in the bubble systems. Everything from classmates, teachers, catering assistants. That also has a huge impact on mental health and wellbeing.

"This isn't a one size fits all situation especially when additional needs are concerned.

"The last lockdown had a huge impact on one of my boys mental health but this time around is worse because we never know what day it will happen again.

"Someone else on the bubble will test positive and that's them off again,how can they concentrate on their learning like that or how can teachers effectively deliver the best education when they are facing this situation... It'snot good for anyone."

But May Sharkey says schools should remain open as "if they weren't at school most kids will be roaming the streets".

She added: "And all the carry on about kids going hungry, at least they are getting one decent meal a day [at school]."

Some parents of children with autism stressed schools should stay open, saying the routine it brings is vital totheir child's mental health.

Children appear to be less susceptible to Covidinfection than adults and their symptoms are generally milder, but some parents say keeping schools open increases the risk of the virus being spread to siblings or grandparents.

Sandra Simpson said: "No, the children may not be at risk but they mix with siblings from other bubbles, can carry the virus home to possibly vulnerable relatives etc."

Caroline Kell Blackburn feels like she's playing Russian roulette every day.

She said: "No but only because I have a vulnerable person at home.

"I feel sick to my stomach every day sending them to school my stress and anxiety is so bad, but then there is the flip side of our children's mental health feel like Im playing Russian roulette every day."

Kayleigh Hope said: "It makes no sense to send children to school whilst we are in a full lockdown, children can still spread it, bringing it home to parents. Younger children are germ magnets by the time December 2nd comes the Rrate will still be as high and will will be in a longer lockdown."

Many of you said schools should be open but parents should be allowed to decide whether or not to send them.

Currently, parents face fines of between 60 and 2,500 for children with lowattendance.

Mel Bacon said: "Yes they should remain open. No, it should not be mandatory. Parents should make the decision if they think it is too risky. Keep them off without the risk of fines. (Not for truancy though... home learning)."

Read this article:

Covid: Should schools stay open through lockdown? - The Northern Echo

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