Equity Shot: The DoJ, Google and what the suit could mean for startups – TechCrunch

Posted: October 22, 2020 at 12:12 pm

Hello and welcome back toEquity, TechCrunchs venture-capital-focused podcast where we unpack the numbers behind the headlines.

Its a big day in tech because the U.S. federal government is going after Google on anti-competitive grounds. Sure, the timing appears crassly political and the case is not picking up huge plaudits thus far for its air-tightness, but that doesnt mean we can ignore it.

So Danny and I got on the horn to chat it up for about 10 minutes to fill you in. For reference, you can read the full filing here, in case you want to get your nails in. Itsnot a complicated read. Get in there.

As a pair we dug into what stood out from the suit, what we think about the historical context and also noodled at the end about what the whole situation could mean for startups; its not all good news, but adding lots of competitive space to the market would be a net-good for upstart tech companies in the long-run.

And consumers. Competition is good.

You can read TechCrunchs early coverage of the suit here, and our look at the markets reaction here. Lets go!

Equity drops every Monday at 7:00 a.m. PDT and Thursday afternoon as fast as we can get it out, so subscribe to us on Apple Podcasts,Overcast,Spotifyand all the casts.

Read this article:

Equity Shot: The DoJ, Google and what the suit could mean for startups - TechCrunch

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