COVID-19: What Seniors and Caregivers Need to Know –

Posted: September 18, 2020 at 1:26 am

STOCKTON, Calif., Sept. 15, 2020 /PRNewswire/ --WelbeHealth, operator of four PACE programs across California, is offering a free webinar to address coronavirus safety and manage risk for our elderly. COVID-19: What Seniors and Caregivers Need to Know, will be presented on September 22, 2020 from 2:00pm to 3:00pm. To register call 800-851-0966 or email and include your name and email address. Space is limited.

Dr. Colin Robinson, MD, MPH, Medical Director for WelbeHealth will be the presenter of this valuable information. Dr. Robinson will address the latest guidance on coronavirus safety and how to manage risk while staying active and engaged, as well as answer any questions about the virus, symptoms, safety, and more. The webinar will also include a Q&A session to answer questions you may have about the virus and ways to keep safe.

During this global pandemic, seniors have received information from various news, government and community sources on how to stay safe. While most were helpful, some information conflicted with others creating questions for many seniors. Masks or no masks? Three feet of space or six? Stay away from all groups or just those greater than 10?

WelbeHealth wants to ensure that seniors are informed and prepared. The webinar will educate seniors and caregivers with symptoms to watch out for as well as inform on how to reduce risk of exposure to coronavirus.

Older adults and people with underlying medical conditions are at particularly high risk during the COVID-19 pandemic, underscoring the need for aggressive action to protect PACE participants. According to the National PACE Association, the average PACE participant in the U.S. is 77 years old with 8 medical conditions, many of which are chronic conditions such as diabetes, dementia, and coronary artery disease.

WelbeHealth operates PACE (Program of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly), a comprehensive medical and social care model with a decades-long track record of improved quality of life, life expectancy and personal empowerment for frail seniors. Most PACE participants are able to live safely and independently in their own homes and communities rather than receive care in a nursing home. WelbeHealth operates PACE programs in San Joaquin and Stanislaus Counties Stockton PACE; Pasadena Pacific PACE; Long Beach LA Coast PACE; and soon to open in Fresno Sequoia PACE.

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COVID-19: What Seniors and Caregivers Need to Know -

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