ANTIFA.COM | Join Us & Take Action Now

Posted: July 21, 2020 at 12:47 pm

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Antifa, short for anti-fascist, is a broad, community-based movement composed of individuals organizing against racial and economic injustice. Those who identify with the label represent a large spectrum of the political left. The Trump administration frequently uses the term to describe any group or individual that demonstrates in opposition to its policies. Far-right extremists usesimilar tactics.

Since the election of Donald Trump, acts of racist violence have proliferated across the United States. Racists and misogynists feel emboldened to express and act on their views. White nationalist groups and resurgent traditional white supremacist groups such as the Ku Klux Klan have used Trumps victory to gain new recruits.

All that stands in their way are the groups of anti-fascist and anti-state resistors who have taken it upon themselves to prevent fascism from becoming a powerful political force in the United States. The story of what Antifa is, and why people are joining the movement to confront racism and fascism in the United States today is unprecedented.

Who are the anti-fascists? What motivates them to risk their lives to fight the far right? What is the history of anti-fascism and why is it relevant again today? How is anti-fascism connected to a larger political vision that can stop the rise of fascism and offer you visions of a future worth fighting for? Learn More

You will connect with anti-fascist organizers, historians and political theorists who will provide their expert advice, you will explore the broader meaning of this political moment. You will be able to help others understand the past scenes of street battles from Washington to Berkeley and Charlottesville What caused them? How to prevent them in the future? You will own your piece of the resistance by taking an active consistent role in promoting & growing


ANTIFA.COM | Join Us & Take Action Now

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